Emergency Departments and Urgent Care Centres are very busy with an increased number of patients during the holiday season and winter months. Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre, Niagara Region Public Health and Niagara Health System are working together to help the public better understand the most appropriate healthcare options available to them if they require medical attention for flu or other illnesses.
The public is encouraged to visit their family doctor or nurse practitioner if they don’t require emergency or urgent care. Other options include the nearest walk-in clinic, Healthcare Options Ontario (www.ontario.ca/healthcareoptions), Telehealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000) or 211.
Flu is a respiratory illness. Flu symptoms include fever, body aches, extreme fatigue, headache, chills, sore throat, stuffy nose, sneezing and coughing. Some people can become very ill depending on their health and other factors, possibly developing complications and requiring hospitalization.
Anyone in need of emergency medical care should call 9-1-1 or go to their nearest Emergency Department.
For information about general healthcare options:
For NHS Emergency and Urgent Care wait times:
For information about the flu: www.niagararegion.ca/health/
“Hospitals are always very busy over the holidays and winter months, and this initiative will go a long way to ensuring people in the community know their options in order to get the right level of care. We are very pleased to be partnering with HDS and NRPH as part of our ongoing efforts to improve the patient experience and access to care in Niagara.”
Derek McNally
Executive Vice President, Clinical Services, Niagara Health System
“To prevent getting sick this winter, Public Health encourages residents to get the flu shot, to wash hands regularly, and to cover mouths when coughing and sneezing. When illness does strike, we can reduce its spread by staying home from school or work, and not visiting friends or family in the hospital or long-term care homes. Our partnership with Niagara Health System and Hotel Dieu Shaver will further help keep our communities healthy.”
Dr. M. Mustafa Hirji
Associate Medical Officer of Health, Niagara Region Public Health
“Hotel Dieu Shaver is pleased to be collaborating with the Niagara Health System and Niagara Region Public Health to help the public make informed decisions about their healthcare. We are continually working towards partnerships that deliver on a shared commitment to improve the quality of patient care and access across the Niagara community.”
Jane Rufrano
CEO, Hotel Dieu Shaver
Get the flu shot, wash your hands, cover your cough or sneeze, stay home from school and work when sick, avoid shaking hands or close contact with people who are sick, and don’t visit individuals in hospitals or healthcare settings.
Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre
Mary Jane Johnson, Director, Communications
905-685-1381, ext. 84826
Niagara Region Public Health
Carrie Beatty, Communications Specialist
905-688-8248, ext. 7303
Niagara Health System
Caroline Bourque Wiley, Manager, Communications
905-378-4647, ext. 43113