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Comfort. Care. Hope.

Rankin Family Cancer Rehab Program

This outpatient program is intended for oncology patients who are at any stage of their treatment or have been identified being at risk for functional decline post cancer treatment.

The Rankin Family Cancer Rehab Program at Hotel Dieu Shaver is a unique program that offers medically-monitored rehabilitation to patients who have completed cancer treatment and are now living at home ready for a comprehensive rehabilitation and wellness program.

Patients who are referred to the program undergo a medical assessment by a physiatrist and work with an inter-professional team to evaluate physical, social and psychological domains of health and well-being.

Thank you to the Rankin Family & Rankin Cancer Run for generously providing funds to launch this program!

This program is 100% donor funded. We rely on generous support from the community each year to provide the necessary funds to keep the program running.

Program Criteria:

  • Patient is Medically Stable – patient is safe to participate from a musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiac, and cognitive perspective
  • Patient agrees to actively participate in an Outpatient Rehabilitation Program
  • Patient demonstrates the cardiovascular capacity to engage in endurance exercises
  • Patient demonstrates the ability to improve functional status

Download the Program Brochure for a list of full eligibility criteria

Program Details:

  • Each patient group may include a maximum of 6 people
  • Duration of each Group Based Program: total of 6 weeks
  • Frequency of Treatment Sessions: 3x/week, 2 hours/session
  • Total Sessions per program: 18 sessions per patient
  • Group Based Treatment Program is directed towards improving a cancer patient’s strength, mobility, exertional capacity, functional independence, endurance and emotional well-being

Watch the program video to learn more:

Rehab team consists of: 



Occupational Therapist


Rehab Assistant 

Registered Nurse

A referral to this outpatient program may help your patient with one or more of the following issues:

  • Cancer treatment fatigue and deconditioning
  • Chemotherapy induced neuropathy: pain and decreased mobility
  • Musculoskeletal pain that is inhibiting function
  • Decreased strength and endurance with ambulation and activities of daily living
  • Physical challenges inhibiting the ability to re-engage in community participation
  • Decreased independence with day to day functional activities
  • Emotional Well-being

Admission to the Rankin Family Cancer Rehab Program must be made by a doctor’s referral, which can be downloaded here

Questions about the Cancer Rehab Program?

Contact Stephanie Stone | Manager, Outpatient Rehabilitation and Specialty Clinics

ext. 85268 | Email

Renewing Hope. Rebuilding Lives.

Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre is a specialty hospital that excels in providing rehabilitation and complex care to thousands of patients across the Niagara Region.

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