The Rankin Family Cancer Rehab Program at Hotel Dieu Shaver is a unique program that offers medically-monitored rehabilitation to patients who have completed cancer treatment and are now living at home ready for a comprehensive rehabilitation and wellness program.
Patients who are referred to the program undergo a medical assessment by a physiatrist and work with an inter-professional team to evaluate physical, social and psychological domains of health and well-being.
Thank you to the Rankin Family & Rankin Cancer Run for generously providing funds to launch this program!
This program is 100% donor funded. We rely on generous support from the community each year to provide the necessary funds to keep the program running.
Program Criteria:
- Patient is Medically Stable – patient is safe to participate from a musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiac, and cognitive perspective
- Patient agrees to actively participate in an Outpatient Rehabilitation Program
- Patient demonstrates the cardiovascular capacity to engage in endurance exercises
- Patient demonstrates the ability to improve functional status
Download the Program Brochure for a list of full eligibility criteria
Program Details:
- Each patient group may include a maximum of 6 people
- Duration of each Group Based Program: total of 6 weeks
- Frequency of Treatment Sessions: 3x/week, 2 hours/session
- Total Sessions per program: 18 sessions per patient
- Group Based Treatment Program is directed towards improving a cancer patient’s strength, mobility, exertional capacity, functional independence, endurance and emotional well-being
Watch the program video to learn more:
Rehab team consists of:
Occupational Therapist
Rehab Assistant
Registered Nurse
A referral to this outpatient program may help your patient with one or more of the following issues:
- Cancer treatment fatigue and deconditioning
- Chemotherapy induced neuropathy: pain and decreased mobility
- Musculoskeletal pain that is inhibiting function
- Decreased strength and endurance with ambulation and activities of daily living
- Physical challenges inhibiting the ability to re-engage in community participation
- Decreased independence with day to day functional activities
- Emotional Well-being
Admission to the Rankin Family Cancer Rehab Program must be made by a doctor’s referral, which can be downloaded here
Questions about the Cancer Rehab Program?
Contact Stephanie Stone | Manager, Outpatient Rehabilitation and Specialty Clinics
ext. 85268 | Email