Hotel Dieu Shaver approached its Foundation requesting funds to fill a gap in services for Niagara residents. The response was an incredible commitment from the Rankin Family and the Rankin Cancer Run. The Rankin Run, held yearly, supports several cancer programs in Niagara. The run this year is set to kick off on Saturday, May 26th at 10:00 a.m.
“Hotel Dieu Shaver is well known in the community for creating programs and services based on population needs and best practices,” says Jane Rufrano, CEO for Hotel Dieu Shaver. “We are committed to following in the tradition of our founding sisters to provide compassionate care and meet the unmet needs in our community. This donation and commitment is the final puzzle piece, to ensuring patients are getting the care they need close to home.”
The cancer outpatient rehab program will improve patient satisfaction and quality of life, improve functional independence, help with the transition from hospital to the community, and further reduce the risk of functional decline and hospital (re) admission.
“The implementation of this program will compliment Niagara’s existing community program operated by Wellspring Niagara, adding value to a cancer patient’s continuum of care,” says David Ceglie, VP of Clinical Operations at Hotel Dieu Shaver. “The Program is unique as it includes a medical management component. The benefit of this program is that a patient may benefit from medication monitoring and adjustments if required, which optimizes a patient’s ability to participate in rehabilitation.”
Admission to the Rankin Family Cancer Rehab Program must be made by a doctor’s referral. The Cancer Rehab Program is funded primarily on corporate and private donations. Donations can be directed towards hoteldieushaver.org or by calling the Hotel Dieu Shaver Foundation at 905-685-1381 extension 84825.