Current Position: Communication Disorders Assistant in AAC
How Long: 23 years
What is the best part of your job: My role involves teaching people to use their communication systems. AAC is new to most of our clients, so I enjoy customizing it to make it work for each individual. I work with a great team that allows me the experience of being an integral part of giving our clients a voice to be able to share their feelings, thoughts and opinions. Communication improves relationships and the interactions throughout the day.
What would be your advice for someone coming into the field: Our clients are our best teachers! Always listen carefully to your clients, they provide you with a lot of information that can be the solution to a communication challenge.
Hobbies: Gardening, hiking, yoga and spending time with my family and friends by the pool!!
Favorite family tradition: For more than 35 years my family gets together with all of my brothers and sisters and the extended family join together for a dinner once a month. It gives us a chance to get caught up and celebrate milestones of all the new family additions. It can reach up to 30 people and we take turns hosting!