Mikkayla is currently studying Psychology at Brock University and volunteering with the Outpatient Stroke Program in the Steve Ludzik Centre for Parkinson’s Rehab at Hotel Dieu Shaver. Mikkayla has been volunteering at Hotel Dieu Shaver throughout the school year since February 2018. Mikkayla previously completed a full semester co-op in high school in an Inpatient Rehabilitation and Restorative Care Unit and absolutely loved it. It was because of this great experience she knew she wanted to volunteer in a similar setting.
Mikkayla helps out in the Parkinson’s Centre wherever she is needed. Some of her roles include bringing patients of the Outpatient Program into the cardio room and setting them up on the exercise bikes, as well as running cognitive activities with them and helping them figure out their schedules. When patients are waiting between appointments Mikkayla also socializes with them and keeps them company. Mikkayla says, “Meeting new people, as well as getting to know the patients and seeing them improve” is the best part of volunteering at Hotel Dieu Shaver.
When Mikkayla is not spending time at school or Hotel Dieu Shaver, you can find her playing soccer or hockey and painting. She recently finished her hockey season with a women’s hockey league in St. Catharines and is working at a pottery painting store in Niagara called Crock a Doodle. Between school, work, volunteering and sports she is very busy!
Assunta Berardocco, Senior Physiotherapist at Hotel Dieu Shaver said, “Mikkayla is an asset to our afternoon Outpatient Stroke Program. She is easily likeable and demonstrates a keen interest to understand the roles of the various health professionals involved in the Stroke Program. One of the greatest assets the team comments about Mikkayla is her consistent attendance and her reliability when tasks are delegated to her. She maintains only the roles of a volunteer and understands her boundaries. The most important quality is how Mikkayla is observed to engage the various people with Strokes and their caregivers in meaningful conversations. She seems to easily relate to so many people and personalities.”
Thank you Mikkayla for volunteering at HDS!