Network Niagara now "Rehab & Wellness Centre"
Network Niagara has changed its’ name to Hotel Dieu Shaver - Rehab and Wellness Centre effective immediately.
Network Niagara has changed its’ name to Hotel Dieu Shaver - Rehab and Wellness Centre effective immediately.
You may have seen his story - an Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) escort motorcycle squad was driving on Highway 400 in Barrie, comprising of about fifteen motorcycles. The roar of the engines scared some nearby geese from the ditch and one went flying into Officer Pete Tucker’s face - knocking him unconscious immediately.
The Board of Directors of Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre and St. Joseph’s Health System announced that they are exploring opportunities for a strategic partnership between the two organizations.
“Everything is here for you to get better, and I used it to the extreme. Even if you did something 10,000 times with no result, go for 10,001. We’re here, so take advantage of it to get as well and as strong as you can.”
Hotel Dieu Shaver supports a person-centred care delivery model – putting the patients first. Read more about their POD Service Delivery Model.
Nursing Week, running from May 11-15, is designed to publicize the key role that nurses play for patients and their families, from the moment patients are admitted to the minute they walk out the door.
Buen Camino” That’s what Jacob & I will be saying when we embark on the greatest adventure (to date!) of our lives, this coming spring.
When Scott Howard’s right pinkie finger kept twitching, Scott knew it was an indication that something was wrong. Doctors misdiagnosed the twitching as work-related stress, blaming Scott’s job as a paramedic for 19 years as the cause. When the twitching progressed to his whole hand, Scott was sent to a motion specialist in London, Ontario. In 2006, two years after his initial visit to his doctor, Scott was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. The diagnosis was not a complete surprise to Scott—
Meridian Celebrity Ice Cup Raises over $100,000
Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre is a specialty hospital that excels in providing rehabilitation and complex care to thousands of patients across the Niagara Region.